Some people mistakenly believe that the only way to eat a healthy pizza is to make one on their own. The fat, sodium, and calories in your average pizza can be quite high if you are not careful with your crust and topping choices. Although pizza can be unhealthy, most foods have the potential to...
Cold pizza is considered to be one of the best types of leftovers by some and one of the worst by others. Some would say they prefer their pizza hot, melty, and crispy, while others like a chewy texture better. The following will tell you why leftover pizza tastes good when it is cold. The...
Pizza is a classic meal. Warm, cheesy, filling—and only a phone call away in virtually any location in the world you might find yourself. If you think we’re stretching the truth, remember that Pizza Hut delivered to astronauts in outer space for the very first time in 1997. So, ha! But, if we’re going to...
Pizza restaurants spend a significant amount of time and money researching, testing, and tweaking their dough and sauce recipes to find the perfect mix. The secret to making a restaurant style pizza lies in how the dough and sauce is prepared as well as the toppings. There is also a trick to cooking the pizza...
Everyone who has ever ordered a pizza or had food delivered has likely been faced with a common quandary: “How much should I tip?” While the delivery driver isn’t in the same position as a restaurant server, they are still the ones who bring your order right to your doorstep—and you wouldn’t believe some of...
Anyone can make a pizza. All you need are the basic ingredients, cooking supplies, and an oven. However, making a great pizza is a different story. Great pizza is what friends and family talk about and drop sly hints that you should make it again soon. Great pizza is what the taste buds remember, long...
You probably don’t even give it a second thought; Pizza has always been delivered in square boxes. Have you ever taken a minute to wonder why? Why do round pizzas come in square container? There is no hard and fast answer, but it’s partially because round containers are too hard to make and square containers...
It is incredible that a dish that basically contains the same three core ingredients can result in such a variety of different tastes. The pizza in its very basic form is dough, sauce, and a blanket of cheese and meat (and sometimes vegetables). From these core components, there have been many innovative pizza aficionados willing...
It’s our favorite time of the year! October is National Pizza Month and we just get so excited we can’t hide it. In honor of all things pizza and to celebrate the pizza pies we sling here at Pizza Planet, check out some neat facts you may not have heard of! October is National Pizza...
Wanna hear a joke about pizza? Never mind, it’s too cheesy. Just kidding, we’ve got tons of them! Here’s a roundup of the latest pizza puns, jokes, and wordplay that we’ve collected from all corners of the web. They’re so bad, they’re good. Love and Pizza Pizza is quite the romantic meal, ask anyone and...