What Is The Secret To Making A Restaurant Style Pizza?
Friday, March 6th, 2020

Pizza restaurants spend a significant amount of time and money researching, testing, and tweaking their dough and sauce recipes to find the perfect mix. The secret to making a restaurant style pizza lies in how the dough and sauce is prepared as well as the toppings. There is also a trick to cooking the pizza at a high temperature.
Preparing the pizza dough
Ideally, pizza dough is yeast-based and has time to rise in a warm place. The easiest way to accomplish this process is to preheat your oven and place the bowl of dough on top of the stove. The second key to making restaurant style pizza is being able to stretch the dough evenly. Most pizza restaurants sprinkle cornmeal on their work surface to prevent the dough from sticking. Then, cooks hand stretch the dough from corner to corner. The key is to make sure you avoid over-stretching or overworking the dough, which can make it too chewy and add air bubbles. Finally, a smidge of olive oil on the edge of the crust and a touch of garlic salt.
Preparing pizza sauce
Pizza sauce can be spicy, sweet, or a combination of the two. Typically, restaurants use spicy sauce with a hint of sweet that has a medium consistency. Of course it is up to you what type of sauce you would like to create. The ingredient list for a simple tomato sauce consists of tomatoes, sugar, garlic, oregano, and basil. The sauce should be spread so thin that it just covers the dough. Using large quantities of sauce tends to make the dough soggy. You want the sauce to compliment the dough and toppings without overwhelming them.
Preparing the pizza toppings
The most common pizza cheeses are mozzarella, Romano, and asiago. Whenever possible, grate fresh cheese instead of using pre-grated or processed cheese. Experiment with cheese combinations until you find one you like, then consider the vegetables and meats that you would like to add. When it comes to toppings, the key to making a restaurant style pizza is to use fresh ones. Keep in mind that most meats take longer to cook than pizza itself, so you should pre-cook them before adding.
Cook the pizza at a high temperature
Cooking a pizza at a high temperature allows the crust to set and brown without frying the cheese and toppings. As a restaurant owner, you will want to invest in a specialized oven that can exceed 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The pan should be placed on the middle rack in the center of the oven. You will also achieve optimal results by making only one pizza at a time. The average cooking time for a homemade pizza is ten to twelve minutes.
When You’re On Pizza Planet, You’ve Gotta Have It!
If you’re craving fresh pizza, come to Pizza Planet in Amarillo, Texas. We have been serving some of the best pizzas in Amarillo since 1974. Give us a call at (806) 352-6666 or Contact Us by email. Check out our Menu, Deals, and Rewards and Order Online today.